When it comes to house flipping, the goal is to invest as little money as possible to yield the greatest return. Spend too much on a property and you aren’t going to turn a profit when it comes time to sell the place. Kitchen Remodeling for House Flippers is a common project, it is one of the easiest places to save money or make more money through wise investments. Here are some budget-friendly kitchen remodeling services for house flippers that you can use in your next project.
Refinish the Kitchen Counters
Marble and granite countertops are extremely expensive, both in terms of materials and installation costs. Instead of buying natural stone countertops for your flip, you can save a ton of money by refinishing the counters. Here at Maryland Tub and Tile, we offer a wide range of colors and patterns for countertop refinishing, so you can select the perfect look to match your new design. With countertop refinishing, you don’t have to worry about taking out the old counters and installing new ones, which saves time, money, and labor. You can use your resources in other areas of the house and still get a great selling feature when it comes time to put it on the market.
Bleach or Color the Tile Grout
Kitchens are highly susceptible to grout staining because of cooking oils, spilled food, and heavy foot traffic. If the tile in the kitchen is not too dated, you may be able to get away with bleaching or coloring the grout, rather than having to replace the tile. Bright white grout can make just about any tile look like new again, as long as it complements the rest of the design features. For instance, if you have dark Spanish tile on the floors, you may be better off using a grout color pen to go over all of the grout lines. The white would be too much of a contrast against the dark earth tones of the tile.
Redoing the grout can be a tedious process, but it is a simple and effective way to beautify an outdated kitchen.
Replace or Refinishing the Cabinet Doors
You can refinish or replace the doors of your kitchen cabinets without having to replace the cabinets entirely. As long as you paint or stains the cabinets in a matching color, you should be able to make use of what is already there. Of course, if the cabinets are old, worn, or positioned in a bad way, you may be better off tearing them out and putting in new ones. This should be one of the first steps in your planning phase, as it will dictate most of the other design decisions that you make.
Get New Hardware and Lighting
Cabinet hardware is inexpensive. You can give the kitchen an instant face lift just by switching out the drawer pulls and door knobs. Even if you don’t have money to redo the cabinets themselves, you can still make them look like they have recently been remodeled with new hardware. The same can be said for the lighting in the kitchen. If you have an old chandelier or fluorescent light fixture on the ceiling, replace it with something modern and elegant. All it takes is a few extra touches to make a kitchen look custom and a home worth buying.