
How To Choose Bathroom Accessories And Prototypes For A Tiny House

tiny house

A Different Kind Of Living

The tiny home movement has revolutionized living in modernity, and for good reason: you can cut out tens of thousands from your yearly budget while experiencing very little diminution of your quality of life. As a matter of fact, with less to manage, you’ll likely find you have more free time.

There are many couples who vie for the tiny house movement perpetually, and there are many who just want to go the tiny home route for a season so they can conserve resources until a larger home can be acquired. Additionally, there are those who go the tiny home route as a means of reducing their environmental impact.

Whatever kind of individual you are, if you’re going to design and “flesh out” your tiny home, you’re going to want to think differently than if you were designing a conventional, larger domicile.

For $50k, you can build a substantially luxurious little property that can be moved by trailer or even driven away, if you’re going the motorhome route. Following are several considerations you may want to take into account pertaining to internal appliances and the like as you go about determining which tiny home ideas work best for you.


You can live entirely off the grid without paying any utility bills, or losing any access to energy. You don’t need a gasoline generator, either. There are wind turbines which can be used in a mobile capacity, and there are solar panels which can be installed affordably.

The key to either form of energy is the energy receptacle into which wind or solar power is directed. Ideally you want an array of deep-cycle batteries which you are careful to maintain in terms of water. You’ll want to refill them with distilled water every year or so.

A single 100-Watt/hour panel can deliver up to 12-volts sustainably during daylight. You can run laptops, phones, hand-vacuums, fans, miniature swamp-coolers and web routers from such a panel, and still run them when the sun sets through reserve battery storage. You’ll be pushing limits if you only have one panel, but then, a single panel is only $100 while the associated accoutrement (power inverters, surge controllers, cables, shipping, adhesives) will cost you less than $300.

For $3k you can install more than ten panels yourself with a minimum of hassle. That will give you 1000 Watts+ every hour, which is more than enough for most conventional power needs. A large enough battery array stores that power, and allows for more energy-intensive appliances like microwaves, heaters, or larger vacuum cleaners.

Water Utilities And Waste Removal

Many tiny homes use internal tanks to store water. Some connect directly to plumbing solutions. Which works best for you will depend on your situation. Are you living in a motorized, mobile tiny home? Or are you going the stationary route? If you’re going the stationary route, your plumbing solutions will likely be more traditional. If you are traveling, you may want to get creative.

Especially as regards waste, there are a number of schools of thought. What has become popular today is the cartridge approach. The way this works is that waste of a biological variety is stored in a cartridge which can be removed and evacuated with a minimum of hassle. This can be used to fertilize a garden, or it can simply be flushed into nearby sewage receptacles.

Sometimes when you’re developing a tiny home you’ll find that appliances for the bathroom in particular aren’t available in the proper proportions for the needs of your space-conserving living solution. Sometimes you can design your own prototypes for specific components in a cost-effective way which makes your tiny home unique, and properly fits your established plans. Injection molding can be integral in this type of prototyping.

As we read here, 3ERP offers considerable injection molding solutions: “…we provide top-quality mold tooling and injection molding services. We do high quality aluminum prototype tooling and hardened steel tooling for both low-volume and full-scale production injection molding needs, with quick turnaround time and competitive prices.”

tiny bedroom

Overall Mobility

One final thing to consider are the politics involved with the tiny home movement. Some regions have embraced tiny homes, some have not. Unfortunately, since the issue is prescient, laws may be unestablished for years as the courts iron them out, allowing you to invest in and complete your tiny home just in time to be evicted from the property patch you’ve purchased.

To get past this, many who are going the tiny home route are designing little cottages which are meant to be easily moved via trailer. Some are designing tiny homes out of RVs, and some are converting motorhomes into full-time tiny homes by parting out that which can’t stand continuous route, and parking strategically.

Whether you go the mobile route, or you’re designing a domicile that is meant to remain stationary, it makes sense—in the current political environment—to design something that can be moved if necessary.

tiny house

Maximizing Your Potential Cost-Effectively

You can tile your bathroom like you would a normal house, or a manufactured home. You can install top-tier appliances, and build with the finest materials; all while remaining within your means. Additionally, a tiny home that is designed well enough can be sold for a profit at a single sum that is greater than that which you’ve put into it—provided you’re a savvy enough seller, of course.

There are many potential benefits to going the tiny home route, and much to recommend this mode of living. Chief among recommendable qualities of the tiny home movement are customization. Take your time and consider your options—you may be surprised at what you can do.

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